Richard M. Hodge
Richard M. Hodge has over 35 years of experience in government, industry, and nonprofit associations as a healthcare administrator, health policy analyst, consultant, patient advocate, and government affairs director. For the last 15 years he has been engaged in healthcare policy, government relations, and advocacy in Washington, DC. In 2015 he retired as Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) senior director of congressional affairs. He currently serves on the boards of the American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association and the Health Records Banking Alliance.
Mr. Hodge began his career in the U.S. Army as a healthcare administrator, where his assignments included Walter Reed Army Medical Center, the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs in the Pentagon, and other locations across the U.S. and overseas. After retiring from the Army Rich was director of government affairs and public policy for a large pharmaceutical company and a large proprietary hospital company. In these capacities, he has engaged in advocating for a wide variety of national healthcare issues and reforms with Congress, federal agencies, and within the healthcare industry, including recent national healthcare reform efforts.
In addition to autoimmune diseases and health information technology policy and advocacy, his personal interests include active involvement in veterans’ issues, his church, and the annual BB&T Children’s Charities Basketball Classic. Rich holds a master’s degree in public policy and administration from Webster University in St. Louis, Missouri, and a master’s degree in business from Trinity University, in San Antonio, Texas, and is a graduate of the Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, KS.